
Why Is It Called the Forest Again

"The wood hides many secrets."
— Ronan on the nature of the Forbidden Wood[src]

The Forbidden Forest,[1] as well known as the Dark Forest,[11] [12] [13] bordered the edges of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry grounds.[i]

The forest was a very old place that held many secrets and housed many creatures,[1] some dark and dangerous,[fourteen] [1] others friendly.[ane] The trees in the forest were considered aboriginal, they were dense and rough looking from years of exposure to the elements.[1]

As the forest's name suggests, information technology was strictly off limits to students — except in the case of detention,[1] or Intendance of Magical Creatures lessons that occasionally took place at that place.[nine] Of course, with the diverse dangerous creatures living in the Woods, few students would even want to venture into information technology.


  • 1 Description
  • 2 History
    • 2.1 Early on history
    • ii.2 The Cursed Vaults
    • 2.3 Duel in the Forest Grove
    • 2.4 The unicorn example
    • ii.5 Visiting Aragog
    • ii.half-dozen Peter Pettigrew's escape
    • ii.7 Triwizard Tournament
    • 2.8 1995–1996 schoolhouse year
    • 2.9 Skirmish
    • 2.10 Private enclosure
    • 2.xi Battle of Hogwarts
    • ii.12 The Calamity
  • three Inhabitants
    • 3.ane Magical creatures
    • 3.ii Others
  • four Backside the scenes
  • v Appearances
  • 6 Notes and references


Described past Professor Silvanus Kettleburn every bit "massive",[15] the forest was thick with copse, such every bit beech,[sixteen] oak,[1] [two] [17] pino,[three] sycamore,[2] and yew,[9] as well equally undergrowth such equally knotgrass and thorns,[3] but at that place were paths, brooks, and some clearings. Off the path, the way was near impassable, although people had moved through it and creatures every bit large equally Acromantulas and a Ford Anglia had managed to get effectually.[2] There were areas around the edges of the forest that were office of the Hogwarts grounds, but which were out of sight of the castle. Hagrid set up a paddock for Hippogriffs in an surface area like this[6] and the dragons which had been brought in for the first task were confined here.[eighteen]

It was non entirely contained within the boundaries of the school itself, still, equally Bartemius Crouch Senior was able to enter the grounds by foot by style of the Forbidden Forest from somewhere outside of it.[19] Patricia Rakepick, who had lured ane of the students at the school and attacked them and their friends, was also able to flee the scene of the crime by Disapparating following the murder of Rowan Khanna,[twenty] showing that if one went deep plenty into the wood, 1 would eventually end up outside the school grounds and the boundaries of the spells protecting it.[21]

It was hard to navigate the Forest at night, as there were tree roots and stumps that were barely visible in near black. Besides, clothes were known to snag on low-slung branches and brambles. The forest was home to a wide and strange assortment of creatures. Anything wild and dangerous that needed a place to live was put there.

The hut of Gamekeeper Rubeus Hagrid was located at the edge of the Forbidden Wood.[22]

Black flowers were known to grow in the woods, forth with Bubotubers.[23]


Early on history

Dating back to somewhere between the Offset millennium A.D.[24] and the 19th century,[25] co-ordinate to the Wizarding Examinations Authority'due south Wizards' Ordinary Magic and Bones Aptitude Test, the Forbidden Forest may have started out equally a small wood tended past a herd of centaurs. As a sizable portion of the forest fell within the boundaries of the Hogwarts grounds, a long line of successive Keepers of Keys and Grounds, including Mr Ogg and Rubeus Hagrid, had presumably been charged to nourish to matters in the Forbidden Forest equally part of their chore. Over the centuries since the school's inception, more than than a few students had disappeared in the wood.[26]

Throughout his educational activity career, sometime Intendance of Magical Creatures Professor Silvanus Kettleburn spent quite a bit of time exploring the Dark Wood, which might account for some of his injuries.[15]

The Cursed Vaults

At some point during her magical educational activity, Patricia Rakepick asked Professor Kettleburn about the easiest fashion to enter the forest undetected in order to written report the magical creatures dwelling there in the hopes of learning enough about them to get a Magizoologist, which he confronting his meliorate judgement explained to her. Upon learning how to enter the woods undetected, she allegedly spent every bit much time in there as she did in the school herself, though Professor Kettleburn later came to suspect she had ulterior motives to enter the forest.[27]

At some point during the mid- to late 1970s or quite possibly the dawn of the 1980s, a sleepwalking curse was unleashed when someone unwisely disturbed the Forest Vault, one of the v fabled Cursed Vaults of Hogwarts. This caused a number of students to sleepwalk into the woods, where some were gravely injured and fifty-fifty killed past the creatures living in there. Around this time, a student by the name of Jacob entered the forest hoping to suspension this curse, soliciting the assistance of the Centaur Torvus. In gild to open the vault so he could break the curse, the pupil's research indicated that a specific jewel encrusted arrowhead was required. The arrow being a precious heirloom, the Centaur refused to hand information technology over to a human being, prompting Jacob to utilise magic to steal it from their camp. He was expelled from Hogwarts before it could be returned where it belonged.[28]

At the start of the 1987–1988 school twelvemonth, someone one time again tampered with the Forest Vault,[26] prompting Jacob'south younger sibling to locate and break the expletive, just as their brother had tried to exercise. Distrusting of humans post-obit Jacob'southward thievery, which pb to his own banishment from the herd for trying to assist a human, Torvus challenged Jacob's sibling and his companions to a duel, and ultimately agreed to assist them await into the future if Jacob'southward sibling could observe the head of his arrow.[28]

The Forest appeared to hold some great interest for Fred and George Weasley, as both Rubeus Hagrid,[22] and less overtly, Albus Dumbledore, indicated that considerable efforts had been made in the past to continue the boys out.[14]

Duel in the Forest Grove

During the 1989–1990 school year, Jacob's sibling, Rowan Khanna, Ben Copper and Merula Snyde ventured into the forest, hoping to intercept a meeting betwixt Jacob and the insidious system known every bit R. They constitute an opal necklace in the forest, which Merula realised was a belonging of Patricia Rakepick, a dark witch. They were so quickly surrounded by many Dementors, and they failed to go along the Dementors away with their Patronuses. A lioness Patronus and then appeared and banished the Dementors, and Rakepick so revealed herself as the caster of the Patronus, and stated her intention to murder them all.

Patricia Rakepick killing Rowan in the wood

Merula and Ben began to duel her, with Rakepick quickly incapacitating Merula and defeating Ben proficiently after he tried several spells against her. She and then fired the Killing Curse at Ben, hoping to kill him, but Rowan Khanna intercepted the expletive and was killed instantly, having sacrificed themselves to save their friends. Rakepick and then Disapparated, leaving the three students utterly devastated with the expiry of their friend.[20]

The unicorn example

"And then Harry set off into the center of the Forest with Malfoy and Fang. They walked for most one-half an hr, deeper and deeper into the Forest, until the path became almost impossible to follow because the trees were so thick."
— Detention in the forest[src]

Later a Quidditch match against Hufflepuff, Harry Potter secretly followed Severus Snape to the outskirts of the wood, where he overheard a furtive conversation nigh the Philosopher'southward Rock, in which Snape asked Professor Quirrell if he had constitute a manner past the three-headed dog, and threatened him further.[16]

Firenze speaking to Harry Potter

As part of their penalisation for beingness caught out of bed at dark past Minerva McGonagall, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy and Neville Longbottom were assigned to assist the gamekeeper Rubeus Hagrid notice and rescue a badly-injured unicorn in the Forbidden Forest. They split into two parties, and Harry and Draco constitute the unicorn dead, surrounded by its ain claret.[1]

A dead unicorn in the Forbidden Forest

A hooded figure crawled to the corpse and drank the blood, whereupon Draco fled, screaming. The hooded figure moved towards Harry, who was knocked out by an agonising pain spreading from his scar. When Harry regained consciousness, the hooded figure had gone and a Centaur, Firenze, offered to give him a ride back to the schoolhouse. Firenze told him that the hooded effigy was Lord Voldemort, trying to regain force by drinking the unicorn's blood.[1]

Visiting Aragog

"So they followed the darting shadows of the spiders into the copse. They couldn't motion very quickly at present; at that place were tree roots and stumps in their way, barely visible in the near blackness."
— Harry Potter and Ron Weasley post-obit the spiders[src]

Harry Potter and Ron Weasley following the spiders into the forest

Following the re-opening of the Chamber of Secrets, Harry and Ron went to visit Hagrid and ask him nearly his possible involvement in the concluding opening, 50 years earlier, as described by Tom Riddle's diary. Before they could ask, Hagrid was taken away by Lucius Malfoy and Cornelius Fudge. Before leaving his hut, he advised Harry and Ron, hiding under the invisibility cloak, to "follow the spiders"[29] which were streaming en masse towards the Woods.

Harry and Ron first encountering the Acromantulas

The spiders eventually led them to the Forest's acromantula colony, headed by Aragog, the "monster" Hagrid had been defendant of setting on other students 50 years ago. Aragog explained that Hagrid is innocent, but rather than letting Harry and Ron go, he decided to continue them as dinner for his children. Mr Weasley'due south Ford Anglia came blasting through the layers of spiders, and rescued the boys. Remembering that Aragog had said that Salazar Slytherin's real monster had killed its last victim in a bathroom, it occurred to Harry that Moaning Myrtle was that victim.[2]

Peter Pettigrew's escape

"At that place was a howl and a rumbling growl; Harry turned to meet the werewolf taking flight; it was galloping into the woods —"
— A transformed Lupin retreating to the forest[src]

Dementors surrounding Harry, Hermione, and Sirius at the Black Lake

After being in the Shrieking Shack for several hours, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Snape and Ron's rat Scabbers, who had recently been discovered to be Peter Pettigrew, left the secret passage in the Whomping Willow. Unfortunately, Lupin had forgotten to have his Wolfsbane Potion, and the full moon caused him to turn into an uncontrollable Werewolf; when Sirius Black changed to his Animagus dog class to protect the others, Pettigrew took the opportunity to turn dorsum into Scabbers and escape. After injuring Black, Lupin fled to the Forbidden Forest.[xxx]

Later, when Harry and Hermione rescued Buckbeak and Sirius Black by going back in time with the Fourth dimension-Turner, they hid with the Hippogriff in the Forest, while their counterparts were in the Shrieking Shack.[31]

Triwizard Tournament

"Every bit ever, I would like to remind you all that the Forest in the grounds is out-of-bounds to students."
— A warning to students new and old[src]

Dragons in the forest in 1994

The Triwizard Tournament was held at Hogwarts during the 1994–1995 school year. For the first task, the Tournaments imported four Dragons for the Champions to overcome, which were kept in the Forbidden Wood and maintained by Dragonologists, including Charles Weasley.[18]

Near the end of the Triwizard Tournament, Harry and the other champions were informed that the third task would be a maze, filled with magical obstacles. Viktor Krum asked to speak to Harry alone (about his relationship with Hermione Granger), but as they moved away from the Quidditch pitch, a barely coherent Barty Crouch Snr emerged from the forest. Crouch then asked for Dumbledore.[19]

Harry left to remember Dumbledore, but was breifly held up by Severus Snape. Upon Harry and Dumbledore's return, they found that Krum had been stunned at the edge of the woods and Crouch was nowhere to be seen.[19] Bartemius Crouch Jnr, disguised as Alastor Moody, had murdered his father and hid his torso using Alastor Moody's invisibility cloak, having stunned Krum in the process. He afterward returned, transfigured the body into a bone and buried information technology in the wood about Hagrid's pumpkin patch.[32]

1995–1996 school year

"They crept forward and Harry saw that they were facing a large, smoothen mound of world most equally tall as Hagrid that he thought, with a jolt of dread, was certain to be the lair of some enormous animate being. Trees had been ripped upward at the roots all around the mound, so that it stood on a bare patch of ground surrounded by heaps of trunks and boughs that formed a kind of fence or battlement, backside which Harry, Hermione, and Hagrid now stood."
— Hagrid and the trio visiting Grawp's home in the woods[src]

Hagrid's kickoff Care of Magical Creatures lesson inspected by Professor Dolores Umbridge involved mysterious creatures called Thestrals. For this lesson, he lead his class into the forest in order to experience the Thestrals (which well-nigh of the students could not see, due to the fact the only way to come across Thestrals is by seeing someone die) in their natural habitat.[ix]

Grawp sleeping in the forest

Rubeus Hagrid, along with Olympe Maxime, paid a visit to a tribe of giants in 1995, on the orders of Hogwarts Professor and Headmaster Albus Dumbledore, to try and bring the giants over as their allies in the Second Wizarding War against Lord Voldemort and his Expiry Eaters. Forth the way, Hagrid found his half-brother, brought him dorsum to Hogwarts, and kept him subconscious deep inside the Forest.[33]

Throughout the yr, Hagrid regularly visited his one-half-brother, whom he had named "Grawp", emerging from the Woods with suspicious injuries he refused to explain to Harry, Ron or Hermione. During the last game of the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup, Hagrid brought Harry and Hermione into the forest and revealed Grawp to them, asking them to continue him company in the inevitable event that Dolores Umbridge should strength Hagrid off school grounds.[3]


Gray Centaur: "What are you doing in our forest? Why are you hither?"
Dolores Umbridge: "Your forest? I would remind y'all that you lot live hither only because the Ministry of Magic permits y'all certain areas of land —"
Bane: "Whose woods is it now, human being?"
Dolores Umbridge: "Filthy half-breeds! Beasts! Uncontrolled animals!"
— Umbridge foolishly provoking centaurs in the wood[src]

In 1996, Harry received a simulated vision that Sirius Black was being held and tortured past Lord Voldemort in the Department of Mysteries. When Harry desperately attempted to contact Sirius at 12 Grimmauld Place via the Floo Network in Umbridge'southward function fireplace, he was caught. As she was about to utilise the Cruciatus Expletive to force Harry to reveal exactly what he'd been trying to do, Hermione claimed that Dumbledore had hidden a powerful weapon in the Forbidden Forest.[34]

Centaurs in the Forbidden Wood in 1996

Hermione lead Harry and Umbridge into the forest where they encountered a heard of centaurs. Umbridge foolishly insulted them, and an aroused centaur picked Umbridge upwards and carried her off screaming into the forest. Hermione and Harry were able to escape the centaur'south anger, which had turned to them for bringing Umbridge into the forest in the first place, amongst the chaos caused by Hagrid'south giant half-brother, Grawp, crashing onto the scene. This event is known equally the skirmish in the Forbidden Forest.[35]

Individual enclosure

"I dunno, Harry, I shouldn'ta heard it at all! I — well, I was comin' outta the forest the other evenin' an' I overheard 'em talking — well, arguin'. Didn't like ter describe attending to meself, so I sorta skulked an' tried not ter listen, but it was a — well, a heated discussion an' it wasn' easy ter cake it out."
— Hagrid telling Harry about when he heard Snape and Dumbledore arguing in the forest[src]

Professors Dumbledore and Snape arguing, belatedly in February

In February 1997, equally Hagrid was coming out of the forest 1 day, he overheard Professors Snape and Dumbledore arguing over something that involved Snape not wanting to exercise something whatever more. Even so, Dumbledore argued that he had promised to do any information technology was, and that was that.[36] Harry later establish out the task Snape did non want to do anymore involved a promise he made to Dumbledore to fulfil the job assigned by Lord Voldemort for Draco Malfoy to kill Dumbledore.[37]

Battle of Hogwarts

"I shall wait for one hour in the Forbidden Forest. If, at the end of that hour, you have not come to me, have non given yourself upward, and then boxing recommences."
— Voldemort issuing an ultimatum to Harry[src]

Towards the end of 1997, while Harry, Hermione and Ron were camping out during their search for Voldemort's Horcruxes, they overheard Ted Tonks, Dirk Cresswell, Dean Thomas, the goblins Griphook and Gornuk discussing Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood getting caught trying to steal Godric Gryffindor'due south Sword from then-Headmaster Severus Snape'due south function, and being forced to serve detention with Hagrid in the Forbidden Forest; while Griphook was under the impression that this was a "cruel" punishment, it was undoubtedly Snape's mode of sparing the students a far worse fate at the easily of Alecto and Amycus Carrow.[38]

Voldemort continuing in front end of his followers in the forest every bit Harry Potter arrives

On 2 May, 1998, a groovy battle occurred within the castle and on the grounds of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The Forbidden Forest served as the temporary headquarters of Voldemort and his followers. A horde of Acromantulas emerged from the Forbidden Woods and climbed into the walls of the Hogwarts Castle, attacking both Hogwartians and Death Eaters alike, as they had been driven out of their own habitat past the Death Eaters.[39]

When Harry afterward learned he had to dice for Voldemort to regain mortality, he headed in to the Forbidden Woods and, using the Resurrection Rock, called his parents, James and Lily, his godfather, Sirius Black, and his close friend, Remus Lupin, to give him the strength to face Voldemort for what he believed would be the terminal time.[40]

Voldemort hitting Harry with the Killing Curse

Harry dropped the Resurrection Stone about the Acromantulas' hollow in the Forest, and he had no desire to ever go looking for information technology. Harry approached Voldemort with every intention to die, not defending himself when Voldemort struck him with the Killing Curse, he was temperately in Limbo merely, woke up on the forest flooring. The stone was pressed into the footing by the hoof of one of the centaurs who joined the battle against the Decease Eaters, and thereafter became buried, likely never to be found again.[40] [41]

The Cataclysm

In the 2010s, the Wood was afflicted by the Calamity, and several beasts and plants were whisked away from their proper place and transported to elsewhere in the world. These included Buckbeak, Unicorns, Acromantulas, Salamanders, Snargaluffs and tree stumps, Rubeus Hagrid asked members of the Statute of Secrecy Task Forcefulness for help returning them.[42]


Magical creatures

The Forbidden Woods housed or had housed any number of magical creatures. A few known examples included:

Creatures Individuals Notes
Acromantula colony Aragog Once led by Aragog. Acromantulas named Aragog and Mosag, together with their large family, lived in a dome-shaped nest in the very centre of the forest until Aragog's death during Harry's sixth year. Hundreds of the giant spiders dwelt at that place, all decended from the original pair. Aragog was a pet of Hagrid'south fifty years ago.[ii] The Acromantulas were among the most dangerous beasts in the wood.[43] The Death Eaters forced the remaining colony out of their nest during the Battle of Hogwarts assumedly hoping they would assist them, nonetheless, the Acromantula started attacking both defenders of Hogwarts and the Death Eaters alike.[39]
Centaur colony Bane At least fifty centaurs of fighting historic period lived in the forest. In typical centaur fashion, most of them avoided humans and did not involve themselves in human activities, simply watching portents in the stars and uttering cryptic responses to questions. Firenze was an exception, and was bandage out from the herd and nearly killed because of it in Harry'due south 5th year. Hagrid knew many of them by name and had a civil (though sometimes frustrating) working relationship with them until partway through Harry's 5th twelvemonth. When Hagrid brought Grawp home with him belatedly in 1995, the centaurs objected.[3]
Unicorns The unicorns were among the most powerful magical creatures living in the forest. They were extremely fast and were seldom hurt. Hagrid found one dead in the bound of 1992 and signed that another had been horribly wounded, and spent a night searching the forest for both the injured unicorn, and whatever, or whoever could have done such a terrible thing. In the ordinary way, the unicorns shed pilus that became tangled in the undergrowth of the forest; Hagrid collected it to use equally bindings on bandages for various injured animals because of its force.[1]
Thestrals A herd of near 100 thestrals lived in the woods; Hagrid said proudly that he was probably the but person in Britain to have domesticated them. Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank positively commented on the training Hagrid had given them.[viii] Hagrid waited until Harry'southward 5th year to comprehend them in Care of Magical Creatures, considering them a special care for.[9]
Hippogriffs Buckbeak Hagrid had a herd of hippogriffs that he showed to the tertiary-year Care of Magical Creatures class. Information technology tin can be assumed that this herd lived in the Woods.[6]
Wolf pack Borf Descended from two werewolves mating at the total moon.[44]
Behemothic Grawp An undersized Giant and Rubeus Hagrid's half-brother, who was moved past Albus Dumbledore to a cave in the mountains surrounding Hogwarts. When Hagrid and Madame Maxime acted every bit envoys to the giants in the summertime and autumn of 1995, Hagrid learned of his mother'south decease and of the being of a half-brother he had never known: Grawp, a full-blooded giant. Since Hagrid had no other family, and Grawp (being a runt for a giant at merely sixteen feet) was being bullied, Hagrid managed to smuggle Grawp all the way back to the forest. This was the last straw for some of the forest's inhabitants, specifically the centaurs.[3]
It is rumoured that a few other giants besides Grawp dwelt in the Forest, though in that location is no known examples of these other giants.[3]
Three-headed dog Fluffy A massive dog that was released into the forest after serving as one of the guards to the Philosopher's Stone during the 1991–1992 school year.[four]
Claret-Sucking Bugbears In 1992, following the killing of two of his roosters, Hogwarts gamekeeper Rubeus Hagrid suspected that either a Blood-Sucking Bugbear or foxes were responsible, implying that these creatures lived in the forest.[5]
Bowtruckles Flat-faced stick beasts made of bark and twigs who guarded Wiggentrees, which served well as cover-up in its natural habitat.[45]
Boom-Concluded Skrewt Survived the third task of the Triwizard Tournament was also released into the wood.[46]
Trolls It is also rumoured that many other types of creatures resided there, including trolls. Forest Trolls had been seen in the Forest.[47]
Mooncalf herd Mooncalf at the Magical Creatures Reserve Mooncalves lived in the forest at least in the 1980s. They welcomed the Mooncalf from the Magical Creatures Reserve to the herd after they witnessed it trip the light fantastic toe.[7]


  • Non-magical creatures: Alongside the numerous magical creatures that resided in the Wood, non-magical ones dwelt there equally well.
    • Deers[three]
    • Foxes[5]
  • Flying Ford Anglia[2]
    • The Ford Anglia was an machine owned and enchanted past Arthur Weasley. After a bad fright and an exhausting trip across the length of Britain, the Ford Anglia escaped into the forest. There it became wild and took to trundling around among the trees.[2]

Behind the scenes

The Forbidden Forest as seen in the video game accommodation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (GBA version)

  • In the first 2 Harry Potter films, the forest is referred to as the Dark Forest.
  • J. K. Rowling stated in J. K. Rowling: A Year in the Life that the woods is her favourite office of the grounds, and that could be the reason that Harry and his friends notice themselves entering the forest in every book simply Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
  • In the film adaptations of Philosopher'south Rock and Chamber of Secrets, the Forbidden Forest is located mainly to the North of the castle. However, in Prisoner of Azkaban and subsequent films, the woods is located mainly to the west. This is probably considering of the relocation of Hagrid's Hut, the Whomping Willow and the additional areas of Hogwarts such equally the Wooden Bridge.


The Forbidden Woods as seen in Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells

  • Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (First appearance)
  • Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (motion-picture show)
  • Harry Potter and the Philosopher'due south Stone (video game)
  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (picture show)
  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (video game)
  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (film)
  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (video game)
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Burn down (film)
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (video game)
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (moving-picture show)
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (video game)
  • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Mentioned just)
  • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (moving-picture show)
  • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (video game)
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part two
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Office ii (video game)
  • Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
  • Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (play)
  • Harry Potter: A Pop-Upwardly Book
  • LEGO Harry Potter: Edifice the Magical Globe
  • LEGO Harry Potter: Characters of the Magical Earth (Mentioned only)
  • LEGO Creator: Harry Potter
  • LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4
  • LEGO Harry Potter: Years v-7
  • LEGO Harry Potter
  • Harry Potter for Kinect
  • Harry Potter Trading Card Game
  • Pottermore
  • Wizarding World
  • The Wizarding World of Harry Potter
  • The Making of Harry Potter
  • Harry Potter: The Character Vault
  • Harry Potter: The Creature Vault
  • Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery
  • Harry Potter: Wizards Unite
  • Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells
  • Harry Potter: Magic Awakened
  • Hogwarts Legacy

Notes and references

  1. 1.00 one.01 i.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 ane.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 i.10 ane.xi i.12 1.thirteen 1.14 1.fifteen one.16 1.17 1.xviii one.19 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Affiliate 15 (The Forbidden Forest)
  2. 2.0 2.ane two.ii 2.3 two.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.nine Harry Potter and the Sleeping room of Secrets, Chapter xv (Aragog)
  3. iii.0 3.i iii.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.vii 3.8 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Affiliate 30 (Grawp)
  4. iv.0 4.1 Interview transcript (partial), Blue Peter (cBBC), 12 March, 2001 - Accio Quote!
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.two Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Affiliate 11 (The Duelling Order)
  6. 6.0 6.ane half-dozen.2 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Chapter 6 (Talons and Tea Leaves)
  7. 7.0 7.i Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year ?, Side Quest "Over the Moon"
  8. 8.0 eight.1 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Affiliate 17 (Educational Decree Number Twenty-4)
  9. 9.0 ix.i 9.2 9.3 9.4 Harry Potter and the Guild of the Phoenix, Affiliate 21 (The Eye of the Snake)
  10. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (film) - Chapter 12 (Thestrals and Sympathy)
  11. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (pic) - Chapter 13 (Nick and Other Residents)
  12. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Rock (moving picture) - Chapter 25 (The Forbidden Forest)
  13. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (motion picture) - Affiliate 26 (Aragog)
  14. 14.0 14.i Harry Potter and the Philosopher'due south Stone, Chapter vii (The Sorting Chapeau)
  15. fifteen.0 15.1 Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year four, Affiliate three (All About Bowtruckles)
  16. xvi.0 16.i Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Chapter 13 (Nicolas Flamel)
  17. Harry Potter and the Gild of the Phoenix, Chapter 28 (Snape's Worst Retentiveness)
  18. 18.0 18.1 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 19 (The Hungarian Horntail)
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Affiliate 28 (The Madness of Mr Hunker)
  20. xx.0 Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Twelvemonth 6, Chapter 18 (Into the Woods)
  21. Writing by J. K. Rowling: "The Hogwarts Limited" atWizarding Globe ("the castle and grounds take always been protected with Anti-Bogeyman Charms")
  22. 22.0 22.1 Harry Potter and the Philosopher'due south Stone, Affiliate 8 (The Potions Principal)
  23. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Burn (video game)
  24. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year ii, Affiliate 10 (The Vault of Ice) (Dumbledore mentions that one of the theories regarding the origins of the Cursed Vaults was that one of the four founders made them, which would include the Forest Vault.)
  25. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 3, Side Quest "Near Headless Nick" (Professors Fortinbras and Bartholomew, who taught at the school sometime vaguely between the 15th century and 19th century, both researched the legends of the Cursed Vaults, which would take included the Forest Vault.)
  26. 26.0 26.1 Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Twelvemonth 4, Chapter 1 (Year Four Begins)
  27. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Twelvemonth 4, Chapter 4 (Curse-Breakers)
  28. 28.0 28.ane Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 4, Chapter 6 (Explore the Forbidden Forest)
  29. Harry Potter and the Bedchamber of Secrets, Chapter 14 (Cornelius Fudge)
  30. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Chapter 20 (The Dementor'south Kiss)
  31. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Chapter 21 (Hermione's Secret)
  32. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 35 (Veritaserum)
  33. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter xx (Hagrid's Tale)
  34. Harry Potter and the Lodge of the Phoenix, Chapter 32 (Out of the Fire)
  35. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Affiliate 33 (Fight and Flying)
  36. Harry Potter and the Half-Claret Prince, Chapter 19 (Elf Tails)
  37. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Chapter 33 (The Prince'southward Tale)
  38. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Affiliate 15 (The Goblin'south Revenge)
  39. 39.0 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Chapter 31 (The Battle of Hogwarts)
  40. forty.0 40.i Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Chapter 34 (The Forest Once again)
  41. J.K. Rowling and the Alive Chat,, July 30, 2007
  42. Harry Potter: Wizards Unite - Brilliant Effect: Fantastic Flora and Fauna
  43. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
  44. Writing by J. K. Rowling: "Werewolves" atWizarding World
  45. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 14 (Percy and Padfoot)
  46. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Burn, Affiliate 31 (The Third Chore)
  47. Harry Potter and the Sleeping room of Secrets (video game)
Care of Magical Creatures


Care of Magical Creatures at Hogwarts
Hagrid'southward Hut · Forbidden Woods · Care of Magical Creatures classroom · Magical Creatures (social club) · The Paddock
Professors Silvanus Kettleburn · Rubeus Hagrid · Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank (substitute teacher)
Textbooks The Monster Volume of Monsters · Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Creatures studied at Hogwarts
Boom-Ended Skrewt · Bowtruckle · Chimaera · Crup · Diricawl · Doxy · Fairy · Burn Crab · Burn Dwelling Salamander · Flobberworm · Fwooper · Glumbumble · Gnome · Gilded Snidget · Griffin · Hippogriff · Imp · Jackalope · Knarl · Kneazle · Moke · Murtlap · Niffler · Occamy · Porlock · Quintaped · Streeler · Thestral · Unicorn
Expiry Eaters

Dark Mark Pottermore.png

Leader: Lord Voldemort
Death Eaters

Avery (II) | Alecto Carrow | Amycus Carrow | Crabbe | Bartemius Hunker Inferior (deceased) | Antonin Dolohov | Gibbon (deceased) | Goyle | Gareth Greengrass's blood brother | Jugson | Barnaby Lee'south father | Barnaby Lee'south mother | Bellatrix Lestrange (deceased) | Rabastan Lestrange | Rodolphus Lestrange | Walden Macnair | Mulciber (I) | Mulciber (2) | Nott | Pyrites (possibly) | Augustus Rookwood | Rosier | Evan Rosier (deceased) | Thorfinn Rowle | Selwyn | Merula Snyde'southward father | Merula Snyde'south female parent | Travers | Wilkes (deceased) | Corban Yaxley | Unidentified Death Eaters

Death Eater defectors

Regulus Black (deceased) | Igor Karkaroff (deceased) | Draco Malfoy | Lucius Malfoy | Peter Pettigrew (deceased) | Severus Snape (deceased)

Death Eater allies

Borgin | Vincent Crabbe | John Dawlish | Delphini | Golgomath | Gregory Goyle | Fenrir Greyback | Mafalda Hopkirk | Narcissa Malfoy (defected) | Ismelda Murk (unofficially, supposedly) | Nagini | Mr Padgett | Mrs Padgett | Pansy Parkinson | Quirinus Quirrell | Albert Runcorn | Stanley Shunpike (Imperiused) | Scabior | Snake of Slytherin | Pius Thicknesse (Imperiused) | Dolores Umbridge

Other affiliations

British Ministry building of Magic (under Voldemort's command) | Daily Prophet (Nether Voldemort's command) | Dementors | Draco Malfoy's gang | Kreacher (formerly) | Tom Riddle'southward gang | Gang of Slytherins | Giants (Golgomath'south control) | Inferi | Charmed skeletons | Muggle-Born Registration Commission | Theodore Nott (possibly) | Snatchers | Werewolf regular army | The Unforgivable

Death Eater establishments

Abandoned nuclear power institute | Borgin and Burkes | British Ministry of Magic Headquarters (under Voldemort's command) | The Cave | Chamber of Secrets | Forbidden Forest | Gaunt Shack | Lee family house | Lestrange Vault | Trivial Hangleton graveyard | Malfoy Manor | Misty Dell | Riddle Business firm | Snatcher Camp | Spinner's End | The Abandoned Substation | The Ruins | The Quarry


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