
Michael Cant Say Thats What She Said

Ranking All Of Michael Scott's "That's What She Said" Jokes From Worst To Best

This was hard. That's what she said!

Here, I have ranked all of the "that's what she said" jokes Michael has ever made.


33. Jim: "So instead you screwed me?"


This comes in last place, because it was wrong place at the wrong time. Jim was trying to be serious and Michael tried to lighten things up. But it was not funny and it made Jim angry.

32. Dwight: *eats grapes*


Dwight then tells Michael he doesn't get it, and Michael says, "Grapes...seductive." This one is near the bottom, because once you have to explain a joke, it's no longer funny. So, the fact that Dwight didn't get it ruined the whole joke.

31. Michael: "And up comes...the tool bar."


You can do better Michael. In this scene, Michael is trying to give a presentation in the office, in which he makes this joke. Again, wrong place, wrong time. He got no office reaction, and it was a total fail.

30. Kevin: "Why did you get it so big?"


Too obvious is all I need to say. It wasn't very creative and everyone saw it coming. It was good, but not that funny. This is why this one was not any higher up than it is.

29. Holly: Don't make it harder than it has to be.


This one, as well as the ones following this one, are all the same joke just in different forms. So for that reason they are all near the bottom, because they aren't super original.

28. Holly: "I'm not saying it won't be hard, but we can make it work."


Like I said, not original.

27. Gabe: "You're making this harder than it has to be."


Not original Michael, c'mon. It's not that hard! Wait a minute, that's what she said!

26. Angela: "You already did me."


Predictable, but funny. Angela's reaction is what put this farther up the list than some of the others. Her face was priceless, and very annoyed, which made the joke even funnier.

25. Jan: "I can't stay on top of you 24/7."


With a look to the camera and a snicker, it is obvious that Michael was going to say it. He doesn't, which is why it is lower on the list. But it was still a great look which is why it isn't at the bottom.

24. Oscar: "Your office is full of genitalia."


Michael goes on to say it in Spanish. Too obvious, but he gets a point for saying it in Spanish.

23. Michael: "I need two men on this."


His arguing with himself is very funny, but the joke isn't that amazing. He gets points for the arguing though, so good job Michael.

22. Holly: "It was easy to get in but impossible to rise up."


Luckily Michael stopped himself before finishing all of it, since him and Holly were basically in a date, but because he stopped himself it's lower on the list.

21. Michael: "At least we put this matter to bed."


Classic Michael here. Let's be real, we are never tired of these jokes. This one wasn't ~hilarious~ but how can you not laugh at his jokes?!

20. Darryl: "You. Need. To. Get. Back. On. Top."


I wasn't laughing hard for this one but it's still a classic "that's what she said" joke so it couldn't be lower on the list than it is.

19. Dwight: "Hold it in your mouth if you can't swallow."


This one was funny because any scene with Dwight and Michael in it is funny. That's why it isn't super high up but not super low.

18. Michael: "Hey...can you make that straighter?"


This one didn't have me cracking up, but it didn't have me not laughing either. A good joke in the middle of the show. That's why this one is near the middle.

17. Jan: "Let's just blow this party off."


Let's be real, any interaction between Michael and Jan is hilarious. This is why this one is near the middle because their dynamic is so funny. The joke was okay, but the conversation was funny.

16. Jim: "It's gonna be tight."


All of Jim's purposeful slight references make me laugh, which is why this is on the middle of the list.

15. Michael: "Oscar, would you reach over and touch his thing?"


They were all meditating on the floor and Michael says it and ruins the whole silence and calm mood. It was super funny and everyone in the office was really annoyed with him.

14. Michael: "I would like you all to go to the website and watch my clip 11 times."


Of course, Michael wasn't talking about you know what, but it sounded very much like he was talking about it, which obviously is the reason why he said the joke.

13. Michael: "Give me a hard one."


This one was funny because he was just talking about everyone in the office, which made the joke even funnier. All of his jokes during his "interviews" are hilarious which is why this one is ranked high.

12. Michael:" This is going to feel so good, getting this thing off of my chest."


This one was hilarious because he was in the middle of the airport, and there were people everywhere, that could hear him. You were embarrassed for him and this joke was overall just really funny.

11. Oscar: "You should put butter on it."


Don't get me wrong but Oscar was one of the best characters on the show. Everything he ever said or did was hilarious, which is why this one is high on the list (because Oscar is in the scene).

10. Michael: "I can't Andy, it's too hard."


This is one of Michael's only that's what she said joke with Andy in it, so it had to be in the top 10.

9. Jim:" Put it away."


I don't know why this is so funny, but it is really funny to me. The subtleness of this jokes makes it hilarious, and I could not stop laughing after hearing it.

8. Dwight: "Force it in as deep as you can."


This is in the top ten because of the fact that Michael's face was in the ground with Dwight pushing his head down. Michael had to slightly lift his head out of the concrete to say it which made it even funnier.

7. Michael: "Do you want some?" Jim: "No thanks, I'm good."


And after that...

Michael: "Pam?"

Pam: "Oh, my mother's coming."

This one is hilarious due to the fact that it is a double "that's what she said" joke. If it were just one it wouldn't have been funny, but the fact that he did it twice made this one go up to the top.

6. Jan: "You're hardly my first!"


This was probably one of the funniest episodes, "Dinner Party," and the dynamic between Jan and Michael was hilarious. This joke happening during them screaming at each other makes it really funny.

5. Michael: "It squeaks when you bang it."


This whole scene was hilarious, with Michael banging the fake gavel, Phyllis telling him it was the cheapest one she could find, and then him saying that. This deserves to be near the top.

4. Mr. Schneider: "And you were directly under her the entire time?"


This one HAD to be at the top. Michael is in a very important meeting, and Jan is relying on Michael. Jan knows what is going to happen after Mr. Schneider asks him, and the look on her face says it all.

3. Jim: "I don't think I'll be here in 10 years."


This one comes in third, due the wholesome moment between Jim and Michael after Michael says the joke. The joke doesn't have you crying on the floor laughing, but the wholesome moment after makes you feel good.

2. Jim: "Wow, that is really hard. You really think you can go all day long? Well, you always left me satisfied..." *smiling*


This one comes in at second, because it is classic Jim. After Jan says Michael has to stop making that's what she said jokes, Jim knew what he was doing and the office knew what he was doing. This classic moment comes in at second place, due to the comedy of the moment.

1. Dwight: "Michael, I can't believe you came."


This one is obviously ranked at number one, due to the fact that it was the very last "that's what she said" joke, in a very surprising finale. Not only was it somewhat emotional, but it was also a very happy moment where Michael came back for the season finale, and it especially made the viewers happy. If this is not your No. 1 ranked, I don't what is.

Michael Cant Say Thats What She Said


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