
How Much of a Donation Goes to Shriners Hospital

1003 Decarie Boulevard
Montreal, QC H4A 0A9
Administrator: Jacques Boissonneault
Board Chair: Dave Merrett

Charitable Reg. #:14101 3680 RR0001


Ci's Star Rating is calculated based on the following independent metrics:



Grade based on the charity's public reporting of the work it does and the results it achieves.



The demonstrated impact per dollar Ci calculates from available program information.


Charity's cash and investments (funding reserves) relative to how much it spends on programs in most recent year.



For a dollar donated, after overhead costs of fundraising and admin/management (excluding surplus) 91 cents are available for programs.

My anchor

About Shriners Hospitals for Children:

Founded in 1967, Shriners Hospitals for Children raises money for Shriners Hospitals for Children — Canada (SHC-Canada), a children's healthcare centre in Montreal. Shriners International is a global fraternity based on Masonic principles that supports 22 Shriners Hospitals across North America. Regardless of a family's ability to pay, its hospitals treat children with nerve, muscular, and connective tissue disorders. Shriners Hospitals for Children distributed $15.6m to SHC-Canada in F2020, and it does not provide a spending breakdown for its programs.

In 2019, Shriners Hospitals for Children — Canada reported that it had 25,005 ambulatory care encounters, 8,628 physiotherapy sessions, 2,864 occupational therapy sessions, 1,244 surgeries, and 324 physician referrals. It also recorded 25,005 outpatient visits (22,385 in 2018) and 3,157 inpatient unit days (3,228 in 2018). Aside from patient care, Shriners Hospitals for Children funds education and research programs hosted at SHC-Canada. In 2019, SHC-Canada staff presented 76 educational sessions and webinars. During the year, hospital researchers published 131 research papers.

My anchor

My anchor

Shriners Hospitals for Children received $7.3m donations and special events revenue in F2020. It also received $8.2m in rental income from Shriners Hospitals for Children — Canada, representing 52% of revenues. Administrative costs are 1% of revenues (less investment income) and fundraising costs are 8% of donations and special events revenue. This results in total overhead spending of 9%. For every dollar donated, 91 cents go to the cause. This is within Ci's reasonable range for overhead spending.

The charity has $32.8m in funding reserves, which can cover annual grant costs for around 2.1 years. The charity's capital spending is negative in F2019 due to the sale of its Cedar Avenue hospital building for $17.5m. SHC-Canada previously moved to a new location at McGill University Health Centre's Glen site in 2015.

The charity reports no employees or salary data on its T3010 filing with the CRA.

Charity Intelligence has sent this update to Shriners Hospitals for Children for review. Changes and edits may be forthcoming.

Updated on June 22, 2021 by Eric Zhao.

Financial Review

Financial Ratios

Fiscal year ending December
2020 2019 2018
Administrative costs as % of revenues 1.2% 6.5% 8.5%
Fundraising costs as % of donations 7.8% 10.8% 10.7%
Total overhead spending 9.0% 17.3% 19.2%
Program cost coverage (%) 209.5% 333.7% 305.8%

Summary Financial Statements

All figures in $000s
2020 2019 2018
Donations 7,205 6,087 4,673
Fees for service 55 61 61
Business activities (net) 8,195 8,195 8,195
Special events 63 601 588
Investment income 212 438 94
Other income 177 202 182
Total revenues 15,907 15,583 13,793
Grants 15,638 11,320 6,364
Administrative costs 193 991 1,158
Fundraising costs 565 719 563
Other costs 1,602 0 0
Total spending 17,998 13,031 8,086
Cash flow from operations (2,091) 2,552 5,707
Capital spending 2,787 (15,850) 639
Funding reserves 32,758 37,774 19,463

Note: To report on a cash basis, Ci excluded deferred contributions recognized as revenue and instead reported the amounts received and deferred during the year. This affected donations and total revenues by ($2.9m) in F2020, ($2.7m) in F2019, and ($2.1m) in F2018. In its financial statements, the charity reports event revenues net of expenses. Ci reported special events revenue as a gross figure and included associated expenses in fundraising costs. This affected revenues and expenses by $44k in F2020, $214k in F2019, and $218k in F2018. Ci excluded gains on the disposal of capital assets, affecting revenues by ($11.0m) in F2019. Ci classified allocations from Shriners Headquarters as other income and allocations to Shriners Hospital for Children — Canada as grants.

Salary Information

Full-time staff: 0

Avg. compensation: $0

Top 10 staff salary range:

$350k +


$300k - $350k


$250k - $300k


$200k - $250k


$160k - $200k


$120k - $160k


$80k - $120k


$40k - $80k


< $40k


Information from most recent CRA Charities Directorate filings for F2019

How Much of a Donation Goes to Shriners Hospital


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