
Regulation (Vol 24 No 1 2001) the Cato Review of Business and Government

Cato Periodical

1981 - 2016

Current editor(s): James A. Dorn

From Cato Periodical, Cato Institute
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Volume 36, result 2, 2016

Editor'south Note pp. i-2 Downloads
James A. Dorn
Revisiting Three Intellectual Pillars of Monetary Policy pp. 213-238 Downloads
Claudio Borio
Rethinking the International Budgetary System pp. 239-250 Downloads
John Taylor
Commitment, Rules, and Discretion pp. 251-259 Downloads
Charles Plosser
What Monetary Policy Can Do pp. 261-268 Downloads
Jeffrey Lacker
The Powers and Limits of Monetary Policy pp. 269-278 Downloads
Manuel Sanchez
Existent and Pseudo Monetary Rules pp. 279-296 Downloads
George Selgin
Friedman and the Bernanke-Taylor Argue on Rules versus Constrained Discretion pp. 297-313 Downloads
Harris Dellas and George Tavlas
Nudging the Fed Toward a Rules-Based Policy Regime pp. 315-335 Downloads
Scott Sumner
Monetary Policy and the Noesis Problem pp. 337-352 Downloads
Gerald P. O'Driscoll
Needed: A Federal Reserve Go out from Preferential Credit Allotment pp. 353-365 Downloads
Lawrence White
The New Monetary Framework pp. 367-383 Downloads
Jerry L. Jordan
Does the Federal Reserve Know What It'south Doing? pp. 385-392 Downloads
Alex Pollock
Learning the Correct Lessons from the Financial Crisis pp. 393-413 Downloads
Kevin Dowd and Martin Hutchinson
Permazero pp. 415-429 Downloads
James Bullard
Volume Review -- Relic: How Our Constitution Undermines Effective Government—and Why We Need a More than Powerful Presidency by William G. Howell and Terry M. Moe pp. 431-433 Downloads
F. H. Buckley
Book Review -- Frank: A Life in Politics from the Great Club to Same-Sex Wedlock by Barney Frank pp. 433-438 Downloads
Marker A. Calabria
Book Review -- The Tragedy of European Civilization: Towards an Intellectual History of the Twentieth Century past Harry Redner pp. 438-444 Downloads
Juliana Geran Pilon
Book Review -- Private Governance: Creating Society in Economical and Social Life by Edward P. Stringham pp. 444-448 Downloads
Alain Marciano

Volume 36, issue 1, 2016

Editor's Note pp. 1-one Downloads
James A. Dorn
Introduction: Unintended Consequences of Authorities Intervention pp. 1-6 Downloads
Joshua Hall and Jason E. Taylor
Reflections on the Electric current State of Political Economy pp. 7-fifteen Downloads
Richard K. Vedder
Occupational Licensing and Interstate Migration pp. 17-31 Downloads
Sean Mulholland and Andrew Young
The Unintended Consequences of the War on Poverty pp. 33-45 Downloads
Lowell Gallaway and Daniel Thousand. Garrett
Has the State of war between the Rent Seekers Escalated? pp. 47-53 Downloads
Russell Sobel and Joshua Hall
A New Measure for the Variation of State Tax Prices pp. 55-67 Downloads
Michael D. Stroup and Keith E. Hubbard
Fiscal Contraction and Economic Expansion: The 2013 Sequester and Post–World State of war II Spending Cuts pp. 69-88 Downloads
Jason E. Taylor and Ronald L. Klingler
Young and Out of Work: An Analysis of Teenage Summer Employment, 1972–2012 pp. 89-99 Downloads
J. Mixon and Eastward. Frank Stephenson
New Evidence on the Event of Right-to-Work Laws on Productivity and Population Growth pp. 101-120 Downloads
Michael Hicks, Michael LaFaive and Srikant Devaraj
The Dismal Productivity Trend for K-12 Public Schools and How to Improve Information technology pp. 121-141 Downloads
Benjamin Scafidi
Richard Vedder and the Future of Higher Didactics Reform pp. 143-164 Downloads
Jayme S. Lemke and William Shughart
Subnational Economic Freedom and Operation in the United States and Canada pp. 165-185 Downloads
Daniel L. Bennet
Volume Review -- The Social Society of the Underworld: How Prison Gangs Govern the American Penal System by David Skarbek pp. 187-190 Downloads
Adam Bates
Book Review -- The Prize: Who's in Charge of Americas'southward Schools? by Dale Rusakoff pp. 191-194 Downloads
Kevin Currie-Knight
Book Review -- Disinherited: How Washington Is Betraying America's Young by Diana Furchtgott-Roth and Jared Meyer pp. 194-196 Downloads
Esq. Aloysius Hogan and John Martin
Book Review -- Wealth, Poverty and Politics: An International Perspective by Thomas Sowell pp. 196-206 Downloads
Gerald P. O'Driscoll
Book Review -- The Bourgeois Eye: How to Build a Fairer, Happier, and More Prosperous America by Arthur Brooks pp. 206-208 Downloads
Roger Pilon
Volume Review -- Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis by Robert Putnam pp. 209-212 Downloads
Matt Warner

Volume 35, result 3, 2015

The Myth of Dynastic Wealth: The Rich Get Poorer pp. 447-485 Downloads
Robert Arnott, William Bernstein and Lillian Wu
Finance and Capital in the 21st Century pp. 487-505 Downloads
Robert C. Jones
Central Bank Stress Tests: Mad, Bad, and Dangerous pp. 507-524 Downloads
Kevin Dowd
China's Political-Economic Institutions and Development pp. 525-548 Downloads
Chenggang Xu
Trust and the Growth of Government pp. 549-580 Downloads
John Garen and J. R. Clark
Political Regime Stability and Economic Liberty pp. 581-602 Downloads
Antonio Saravia
A Critique of Mazzucato's Entrepreneurial Country pp. 603-625 Downloads
Alberto Mingardi
Regulating Regulators: Government vs. Markets pp. 627-656 Downloads
Howard Baetjer
New Legal Challenges to U.Southward. Agronomical Cartels: The Horne Decision pp. 657-667 Downloads
Trevor Burrus
American Prosperity Requires Capital Freedom pp. 669-681 Downloads
J. Christopher Giancarlo
Book Review -- Markets over Mao: The Rise of Private Business organization in People's republic of china pp. 683-687 Downloads
James A. Dorn
Volume Review -- The Hereafter of Violence: Robots and Germs, Hackers and Drones—Against a New Age of Threat pp. 687-690 Downloads
Jim Harper
Book Review -- Government against Itself: Public Union Ability and Its Consequences pp. 690-695 Downloads
Ivan Osorio
Book Review -- Contest, Coordination and Diversity: From the Firm to Economical Integration pp. 695-698 Downloads
Dalibor Rohac
Book Review -- The Conservatarian Manifesto: Libertarians, Conservatives, and the Fight for the Right'southward Future pp. 698-702 Downloads
Ilya Shapiro

Volume 35, issue 2, 2015

Editor's Note pp. 1-iii Downloads
James A. Dorn
Monetary Muddles pp. 179-192 Downloads
Axel Leijonhufvud
Coin and Banking: A Ramble Perspective pp. 193-207 Downloads
Walker F. Todd
Gilded and Argent equally Constitutional Alternative Currencies pp. 209-232 Downloads
Edwin Vieira, Jr.
The Function of Gold in a Market-Based Budgetary System pp. 233-250 Downloads
Jerry 50. Hashemite kingdom of jordan
Constabulary, Legislation, and the Gold Standard pp. 251-272 Downloads
George Selgin
Fix What Broke: Building an Orderly and Ethical International Monetary System pp. 273-289 Downloads
Judy Shelton
Transitioning Standards of Value in Fixed-Value Budgetary Systems pp. 291-303 Downloads
Nathan Lewis
An Calendar for Monetary Activeness pp. 305-313 Downloads
James Grant
A Roadmap to Monetary Policy Reforms pp. 315-329 Downloads
Norbert Michel
A Private Committee for Monetary Reform: Process and Substance pp. 331-345 Downloads
Gerald P. O'Driscoll
The Bitcoin Revolution pp. 347-356 Downloads
Bennett T. McCallum
Bitcoin Will Bite the Dust pp. 357-382 Downloads
Kevin Dowd and Martin Hutchinson
The Market for Cryptocurrencies pp. 383-402 Downloads
Lawrence White
The Swiss Experiment: From the Lower Bound to Flexible Exchange Rates pp. 403-410 Downloads
Peter Bernholz
Current Evidence on the Resource Costs of Irredeemable Paper Money pp. 411-427 Downloads
Tyler Watts and Lukas Snyder
Book Review -- The New Counter-Insurgency Era in Disquisitional Perspective pp. 429-434 Downloads
Jennifer Keiste
Book Review -- This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get Yous Killed: How Guns Made the Ceremonious Rights Motility Possible pp. 433-446 Downloads
David B. Kopel
Book Review -- Social Justice and the Indian Rope Trick pp. 434-443 Downloads
Aaron Ross Powell
Book Review -- A Nation Wholly Free: The Elimination of the National Debt in the Historic period of Jackson pp. 434-439 Downloads
Chris Edwards

Volume 35, issue 1, 2015

The Ability of Ideas and Leadership in China's Transition to a Liberal Club pp. ane-40 Downloads
Weiying Zhang
Political Capitalism pp. 41-66 Downloads
Randall Holcombe
Thinking Ahead of the Next Large Crash pp. 67-93 Downloads
George Bitros
Income Inequality: Piketty and the Neo-Marxist Revival pp. 95-116 Downloads
Thomas H. Mayor
The Impact of Economic Inequality on Economic Liberty pp. 117-131 Downloads
Ryan Murphy
Welfare Economics and 2nd-Best Theory: Filling Imaginary Economic Boxes pp. 133-146 Downloads
Richard East. Wagner
Book Review -- The Dominion of Nobody: Saving America from Dead Laws and Broken Government by Philip K. Howard pp. 147-152 Downloads
J. Kennerly Davis
Book Review -- Mass Flourishing: How Grassroots Innovation Created Jobs, Claiming, and Change by Edmund Phelps pp. 153-158 Downloads
Thomas A. Hemphill
Book Review -- Falling Behind? Nail, Bust, and the Global Race for Scientific Talent by Michael Teitelbaum pp. 158-162 Downloads
Daniel Kuehn
Book Review -- Saving Congress from Itself: Emancipating usa & Empowering Their People by James Fifty. Buckley pp. 163-170 Downloads
Roger Pilon
Volume Review -- The American Warfare Country: The Domestic Politics of War machine Spending by Rebecca Thorpe pp. 171-173 Downloads
Christopher A. Preble
Book Review -- Boom Towns: Restoring the Urban American Dream past Stephen J. K. Walters pp. 174-178 Downloads
Richard Due east. Wagner


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